公司在用的,简单实用,功能多。支持linux window32&64 mac androd
Driver Name Stable Central Description
ipcam yes yes Driver for IP / network camera
gstreamer yes no Driver for GStreamer framework`
openimaj yes no Driver for OpenIMAJ framework
v4l4j yes no Driver for V4L4j library
jmf yes yes Driver for JMF / FMJ frameworks
lti-civil yes yes Driver for LTI-CIVIL library
javacv no no Driver for JavaCV library
vlcj yes yes Driver for vlcj library
ffmpeg-cli exp no Driver for FFmpeg CLI tool
Central = Maven Central Repository
exp = experimental
FMJ is an open-source project with the goal of providing an alternative to Java Media Framework (JMF), while remaining API-compatible with JMF. It aims to produce a single API/Framework which can be used to capture, playback, process, and stream media across multiple platforms.
总结 :JMF就是一个大坑B